1. NASAaccess R Guide

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1.1. Prerequisites

On a local machine the user should have installed the following programs as well as setting up a user account. The list below gives a summary of what is needed to be done prior to work with NASAaccess software on any local machine:

  • Installing R software

  • Installing Rstudio software (Optional)

  • NASAaccess R package needs a user registration access with Earthdata. Users should set up a registration account(s) with Earthdata login as well as well as authorizing NASA GES DISC data access. Please refer to https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/data-access for further details.

  • Installing curl software . Since Mac users have curl as part of macOS build, Windows OS machines users should make sure that their local machines build have curl installed properly.

  • Checking if you can run curl from your command prompt. Type curl –help and you should see the help pages for the curl program once everything is defined correctly.

  • After successful installation of NASAaccess software package as discussed in next section users should find that a reference file (.netrc) with Earthdata credentials stored in it to streamline the retrieval access from NASA servers has been created in user Home directory.

1.1.1. Manual creation of the .netrc file

The .netrc file and the _netrc file (only for Windows OS machines) are generated automatically when installing the NASAaccess R software package. However, if the user wants to create theses access files manually here are the steps needed.

  1. Define HOME variable in your Environment Variables by picking any directory you want to be referenced as your HOME directory. For convenient installation, the user should go with the machine default HOME directory. In many Winodws OS machines HOME directory is the user personal Documents folder (i.e., C:\Users\yourname\Documents).

    1. Create .netrc file in your Home directory (_netrc file creation is only needed for Windows OS machines). Run these commands in your command prompt.

      cd %HOME%
      echo. > .netrc
      echo "machine urs.earthdata.nasa.gov login <uid> password <password>" >>  .netrc
      echo. > _netrc
      echo "machine urs.earthdata.nasa.gov login <uid> password <password>" >>  _netrc
      echo. > .urs_cookies


      Replace <uid> with your user name and <password> with your Earthdata Login password.

    2. Open your .netrc and _netrc file(s) by any text editor and remove the quotations before machine and after your password. The .netrc and _netrc file(s) should be without any quotation marks to get the curl working. The contents of the _netrc and .netrc files should be identical.

    3. The .netrc file at the user machine Home directory with the user NASA GES DISC logging information in it is depcited below for your reference. Accessing data at NASA servers is further explained at NASA earth data wiki. The .netrc file should look like:

      netrc file layout


      In your .netrc file <uid> is your user name and <password> is your Earthdata Login password.

    4. For Windows OS machines user the NASA GES DISC logging information should be saved in a file _netrc identical to the .netrc file explained above.

1.1.2. Curl installation on Windows OS machines

Here are some instructions that might help in installing curl on Windows OS machines:

  1. Download the ‘curl’ with the right built for your machine from https://curl.haxx.se/.

  2. Unpack the zip file in a location at your discretion.

  3. Add the curl.exe file location to your Environment Variables. Once you unpack the zip file you will find the curl.exe file in bin folder.

  4. Close the Environment Variables and check if you can run curl from your command prompt. Type curl –help and you should see the help pages for the curl program once everything is defined correctly.

1.2. NASAaccess R Package Installation

Within Rstudio or R terminal run the following commands to install NASAaccess:


install_github("nasa/NASAaccess", build_vignettes = TRUE)


Within the Rstudio help tab the user can verify that the package has been installed and browse the help pages of the various functions of NASAaccess. The help pages index should be similar to this



NASAaccess R package version installed here is 3.0.0.

1.3. Getting Started with the NASAaccess R package

NASAaccess R package has multiple functions such as GPMpolyCentroid, GPMswat, and NEX_GDPP_CMIP6 that download, extract, and reformat rainfall remote sensing and climate change data from NASA servers for grids within a specified watershed shapefile.

Let’s explore GPMpolyCentroid function at an example watershed near Houston, TX.


#Reading input data
dem_path <- system.file("extdata",
              package = "NASAaccess")

shape_path <- system.file("extdata",
                package = "NASAaccess")

 dem <- raster(dem_path)

 shape <- readOGR(shape_path)

 shape.df <- ggplot2::fortify(shape)

 #plot the watershed data
 myMap <- get_stamenmap(bbox = c(left = -96,
                      bottom = 29.7,
                      right = -95.2,
                      top = 30),
                                  maptype = "terrain",
                                  crop = TRUE,
                                   zoom = 10)

 ggmap(myMap) +
                geom_polygon(data = shape.df,
                      aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group),
                      fill = NA, size = 0.5, color = 'red')
White Oak Bayou watershed

The geographic layout of the White Oak Bayou watershed. Whiteoak Bayou is a tributary for the Buffalo Bayou River (Harris County, Texas).

In order to use NASAaccess we also need a digital elevation model (DEM) raster layer. Let’s see the White Oak Bayou watershed DEM and a more closer look at the study watershed example.

      main="White Oak Bayou Watershed with Digital Elevation Model (DEM)",
          legend  = T,
          legend.args=list(text='Elevation (m)',

plot(shape , add = TRUE)
White Oak Bayou watershed (DEM)

The White Oak Bayou watershed with Digital elevation model in meters.

Now, let’s examine GPMpolyCentroid function.

GPMpolyCentroid(Dir = "./GPMpolyCentroid/",
                  watershed = shape_path,
                  DEM = dem_path,
                  start = "2019-08-1",
                  end = "2019-08-3")

Examining the rainfall station file generated by GPMpolyCentroid

GPMpolyCentroid.precipitationMaster <- system.file('extdata/GPMpolyCentroid',
                                        package = 'NASAaccess')

GPMpolyCentroid.precipitation.table <- read.csv(GPMpolyCentroid.precipitationMaster)

ggplot() +
            geom_polygon(data = shape.df,
                        aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group),
                        fill = NA,
                        colour = 'red') +
White Oak Bayou watershed with GPM grid

The White Oak Bayou watershed with GPM remote sensing data.

We note here that GPMpolyCentroid has given us the GPM data grid that falls within a specified watershed and assigns a pseudo rainfall gauge located at the centroid of the watershed a weighted-average daily rainfall data as specified by the time period selected (i.e., 2019-08-01 to 2019-08-03).

Let’s examine the rainfall data just obtained by GPMpolyCentroid over the White Oak Bayou study watershed during the time period selected.

GPMpolyCentroid.precipitation.record <- system.file('extdata/GPMpolyCentroid',
                                                      package = 'NASAaccess')

GPMpolyCentroid.precipitation.data <- read.csv(GPMpolyCentroid.precipitation.record)

#since data started on 2019-08-01

days <- seq.Date(from = as.Date('2019-08-01'),
                  length.out = dim(GPMpolyCentroid.precipitation.data)[1],
                  by = 'day')

#plotting the rainfall time series

          GPMpolyCentroid.precipitation.data [,1],
          pch = 19,
          ylab= '(mm)',
          xlab = '',
          type = 'b',
          main = "White Oak Bayou Watershed precipitation (GPM)")
GPM rainfall over White Oak Bayou watershed

GPM precipitation time series over the White Oak Bayou watershed during 1-3 August 2019.

More examples on NASAaccess functionalities can be found Here.